America's Future Starts with Healthy Children: a 2009 Campaign for SCHIP Re-Authorization

A Picture Tells 1,000 Words!

Through Art, Kids Urge Legislators to Promote Children’s Health Care

With the Senate poised to take a pivotal vote on SCHIP (State Children Health Insurance Program), young people are on Capitol Hill exhibiting their powerful artwork. The “America’s Future Starts with Healthy Children” art exhibit is a timely reminder that swift action needs to be taken so that no child is waiting for health care. Collected from 24 states, nearly 400 students submitted original, hand-drawn art work.62 of the pieces were selected to be displayed in Washington, D.C.

The exhibit received enthusiastic support at the Friday, January 23 unveiling at the Rayburn House Office Building and the Capitol Visitors Center. From Monday, January 26 to Wednesday, January 28, the public can see the artwork at Union Station, West Hall. The entire exhibit is also available for viewing online at

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Today, 1 out of 9 children in the U.S. cannot see a doctor because they do not have health insurance. The art exhibits are a culmination of a larger effort by many communities to educate and organize for children’s health care. Building up to this moment, the Health Rights Organizing Project SCHIP Subcommittee led by the Korean Resource Center (KRC), National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC), and the Northwest Federation of Community Organizations (NWFCO), collected 8,000 petitions over the summer of 2008 and organized legislative visits to deliver the petitions to Congressional leadership and presidential candidates.